Enjoying What Comes Over and Under the Fence
By Susan Stager, Fairfax Master Gardener Intern

Morning Glory
Last year my neighbor planted morning glories (Ipomoea purpurea) on her fence. These are the deep purple-colored ones. I noticed in the fall that the seeds were dropping where I had wanted to grow something else on my side. I decided to let nature take its course rather than face a lot of weeding.

Although these moonflowers remind me of Georgia O’Keeffe’s “Jimson Weed” painting, Jimson weed is from the nightshade family, Datura stramonium. It’s also called Jamestown weed and is poisonous if ingested.

Jimson Weed
Last year I was admiring my neighbor’s wood poppies, Stylophorum diphyllum, and she explained that they are native plants. This year, they crawled under the fence and have now established themselves on my side. They were vigorous enough to compete with the daylilies. I enjoy their intricately-shaped leaves.

Wood Poppies
I received a gift of a Rose of Sharon tree seedling last year. After planting it, I read that they grow into trees, and I have plenty of trees and no room for others. In the late fall, I put it in a pot, kept it in the protected micro-climate of the corner between my shed and the house, and it came back vigorously this summer. It grew tall enough to peek in my kitchen window, surprising me one day, as I wondered who had left me a plant!

Rose of Sharon
Japanese Maple, Virginia Cooperative Extension