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Landscape with Rare and Unique Trees

Korean FirAdd a unique touch to your garden with rare and unusual trees that bring year-round beauty and intrigue. From the spiked Monkey Puzzle Tree to the colorful Dawn Redwood, these species offer stunning focal points while supporting biodiversity. Create a unique landscape that not only stands out but also helps conserve unique tree varieties.
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Stop the Wave

wavyleaf basketgrassWavyleaf basketgrass is a fast-spreading invasive species threatening forests across the Mid-Atlantic. This low-growing perennial displaces native plants and harms forest ecosystems. Learn how to control small patches by hand-pulling, or larger infestations with chemical treatment.
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Another Dangerous Insect is Imported

ambrosia beetleNon-native cousins of the native ambrosia beetle are much worse. These immigrants pose a significant threat to healthy trees and shrubs. They attack more than 200 tree species, boring tunnels into trunks and branches while spreading harmful fungi. Explore strategies to prevent their damage.
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Dead Hedging

dead hedgeTransform yard debris into a sustainable, eco-friendly hedge! Easy to build and maintain, dead hedges offer shelter to birds, insects, and small mammals, creating a thriving ecosystem. With a natural, organic appearance, they provide an environmentally friendly solution to yard clutter while nurturing your garden’s biodiversity.
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New Life for Old Decorations

fall decorationHelp make fall more sustainable. Pumpkins can be cured and stored for winter use. Perennial chrysanthemums will return year after year when planted and protected. Gourds can be repurposed as birdhouses. Indian corn and straw flowers can be preserved for future decorations – among other options. Tis the season to recycle and reuse!
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Fresh Herbs in Middle of Winter

windowsill herbsEnjoy the taste of summer, even in the coldest months, by creating your own indoor herb garden! With just a windowsill and six hours of sunlight, you can grow fresh herbs like basil, parsley, rosemary, and more. Learn how to bring seedlings or small plants indoors before frost hits for a ready supply of fresh herbs.
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Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.