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Petunia, Good to Know Ya

petuniaDiscover the vibrant world of petunias, one of the most popular annual flowers. Available in a stunning array of sizes, shapes, and colors, petunias can be ruffled, star-patterned, or even speckled. Easy to grow and low-maintenance, they thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Ideal for containers or garden beds, petunias bloom profusely all summer, adding vibrant beauty to any space.
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A Tasty Invasive

wineberryWineberry is a tasty yet invasive shrub from Asia. Its thorny stems yield delicious, seedy raspberry-like fruits, enjoyed by humans and wildlife. Thriving across diverse conditions, it forms dense thickets that disrupt forests and trails. Help control its spread by uprooting or using targeted treatments. Enjoy its fruit, but manage its growth responsibly!
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America’s First Native Plant Garden

John Bartram houseBartram’s Garden is America’s first native plant garden, founded by botanist John Bartram in 1731. Spanning 14 acres along Pennsylvania’s Schuylkill River, this historic site offers serene meadows, ancient trees, and John’s original stone house. It’s rich in nature’s tranquility and botanical history, and once hosted luminaries like Ben Franklin.
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News Alert: Beech Leaf Disease

beech leaf diseaseFairfax County’s American Beech trees are under threat from Beech Leaf Disease, caused by a parasitic nematode. First spotted in Ohio in 2012, the disease reached Fairfax parks in 2022. With no current treatment, scientists are seeking community help to track its spread. Report sightings using the iNaturalist app to aid in the fight against this devastating infestation.
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Diverse Rose Additions for Your Garden

roseDiscover the diverse world of roses! From hardy wild species like the Virginia Rose to fragrant old garden roses and vibrant modern hybrids, there’s a rose for every garden. Consider factors like color, fragrance, blooming season, and maintenance needs when selecting. Enhance your garden with stunning focal points, lush borders, and continuous blooms, creating a captivating and fragrant sanctuary.
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Tough Little Bugger

Colorado Potato BeetleMeet the Colorado Potato Beetle, a pesticide-resistant super pest. This destructive beetle targets potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, causing extensive crop damage. With multiple generations yearly, it adapts quickly to pesticides. Stay vigilant to protect your garden from this resilient pest!
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What’s Cooking: Mexican Tomatillos

tomatillosAdd Mexican flair to your cooking with tomatillos! These tart, citrusy fruits, are essential for authentic salsa verde. Easy to grow and resilient, tomatillos thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Roast, broil, or boil them to enhance their flavor. Perfect for salsas and sauces, tomatillos bring a vibrant taste to any dish.
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If Gardens Could Talk

Garden TalksFairfax County Master Gardeners are offering a limited series of three garden talks to vegetable gardeners in the Fairfax County Community Garden Plots. The talks will be held at Lee, Sully, and Gum Springs Community Centers and last for approximately one hour. Signup ahead of time to save your spot.
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Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.