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The Pollinator Magnet

liatrisThis native perennial flower fills the bill for gardeners looking for a native and for something to help our pollinators. Liatris with its slender stalks can grow in dry, sandy or rocky soil, and tolerates full sun to light shade. Its uniquely shaped white or purple vertical blooms form a counterpoint to most other plants in the landscape, and are not bothered by deer.
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It’s the Spittin’ Image

spittlebugYou might think some insect was trying to wash your plants when a ball of foamy soap suds suddenly appear in your garden. This is the work of a spittlebug. They produce these bubbly groups after sucking the juices out of many different plants and grasses in spring. But, they are generally not damaging unless you get a large group of them looking for a party.
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Spicy Crunchy Radishes in Two Months

radishesThat’s right. Radishes are fast to germinate and produce something to eat. Some varieties are ready in a little more than a month. They like the cool weather of spring and are easy to grow. They can give you some early spring food if planted a container before the last frost and before you are ready to plant in your seasonal annuals.
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Cool or Warm Season Grass- Which is Best?

lawnmowerIt’s spring and you might want to think about a new lawn. With several types of cool season and warm season grasses to choose from, the decision on that type of grass to plant can be challenging. Consider the amount of maintenance, water, mowing, and sunlight you have and use these facts and resources to make an informed decision.
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Who’s Liking Lichens?

Lichenthey’re everywhere — on trees, on rocks and sidewalks, on soil, and even other plants. Are they harmful? Lichens are actually two different life forms mutually benefiting from each other. Algae and and fungi living together in perfect harmony. Read more to determine if they are harmful or helpful.
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Spring Is For Planting

potting geraniumSeed starting, vegetable gardening in containers, transplanting, and landscape design are just a few of the classes and seminars offered by various gardens and gardening groups found in our area. Some are in person, while others are online for your convenience. Browse our list of offerings and attend those that may help you get a jump on knowledge this spring.
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Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.