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Grow a Farmers Market at Home with Microgreens

microgreen saladIf you are missing fresh veggies at this time of year, grow microgreens indoors! These vibrant, nutrient-packed greens are easy to cultivate in pots or hydroponic setups, adding gourmet flair to any meal. With varieties like broccoli, arugula, and radicchio, you’ll enjoy a burst of spring flavor and extra nutrition, all while beating the winter blues.
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Top Vegetable and Flower Picks for 2025

dahliaDiscover best-performing plants selected as All-American winners for 2025. From a striking black leaf dahlia to a flavorful purple kohlrabi, these top selections shine in trial gardens across North America. Enjoy stunning blooms, heat-tolerant varieties, and tasty edibles all chosen for their superior garden performance and beauty.
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Barking Up the Wrong Tree

bark beetleThe southern pine beetle, dubbed the “Tree Killer” by the National Park Service, is one of several bark beetles threatening forests across the eastern U.S. These tiny invaders target weakened forests, boring into stressed trees and leaving behind swaths of dead gray wood. Learn how to recognize the signs of infestation and take action to protect your landscape from these destructive pests.
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Indoor Toxic Beauty – Sago Palm

Sago PalmSago Palm is a popular ornamental plant native to China and Japan. Not a true palm but a cycad, all parts of this plant are highly poisonous, posing serious risks to humans and pets. With its slow-growing, evergreen beauty and low maintenance, the Sago Palm is ideal for sunrooms and tropical landscapes, but caution is crucial when handling it.
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Indoor Citrus: Winter Sunshine

lemon treeBrighten your winter with indoor citrus gardening! It’s easier than you think. With the right light, soil, humidity, and care, you can grow a vibrant array of lemons, limes, and oranges indoors – including some exotic varieties. Think Kaffir lime or Tahitian orange. Savor the joy of harvesting your own flavorful fruit, even in the coldest months.
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Winter Garden Events in Full Swing

seedsTake the winter months to review seed catalogs and learn while the garden is sleeping and not demanding attention, with activities such as seed-swaps and flower show trips. Choose from several free in-person or online programs at various organizations to enhance and prepare yourself for the upcoming garden season.
Events Calendar →

Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.