Home Turf

A Healthy Virginia Lawns program

Home Turf LogoLearn what you really should do to maintain a healthy lawn. Home Turf, a Healthy Virginia Lawns Program, helps you understand the answers to lawn care questions. It provides you research-based and environmentally sound information about maintaining your lawn.

  • Volunteers conduct on-site visits to assess and measure a homeowner’s lawn, prepare a lawn map, and collect one or more soil samples.
  • Soil test results are sent to the Virginia Tech Soil Lab for analysis and a Nutrient Management Plan will be developed.
  • Master Gardeners will discuss the plan with the homeowner and answer questions regarding proper lawn maintenance in Fairfax County.

The program runs until September 15th and is now accepting applications. Complete the form below and then make your online payment.

Home Turf Application

    Fairfax County Home Turf program is only available for properties located in Fairfax County but some neighboring counties also offer this type of service. Visit their programs if you are located in these counties:
        • Loudoun County Healthy Virginia Lawns Program
        • Prince William County Healthy Virginia Lawns Program

    Is the property located in Fairfax county? yesno

    Full Name:*

    Street Address:*

    City, State, Zip:*


    Day phone:

    Evening phone:

    What is the best method to contact you?*day phoneevening phoneemail


    Was lime applied to your lawn in the past year?*yesnonot sure

    Has your lawn soil been testing in the past 3 years?*yesnonot sure

    How sunny is your lawn area?*full sunpart sun (4-6 hours of sun)little or no sun

    What type of grass you you have?*
    Cool season is Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, fine fescue
    Warm season is Bermudagrass, zoysia grass, centipeded grassCool seasonWarm Seasonnot sure

    Are there issues with your lawn's soil including compacted soil, clay soil, steep slope, erosion?*yesnonot sure

    Are there issues with your water including poor drainage, moss, low spots, standing water?*yesnonot sure

    Does your lawn have appearance issues?*
    This includes bare patches, thin patches, greater than 50% weeds, discoloration?yesnonot sure

    Do you employ a lawn service?*yesno

    Do you have an irrigation system?*yesno

    Are there pets that use your lawn?*yesno

    What mower height setting do you regularly use? Leave blank if not known?

    Do you remove grass clippings after mowing?*yesnosometimes

    When was the last time your lawn was aerated? Leave blank if not known.

    When was the last time fertilizer was added to your lawn?

    Soil Samples

    One soil sample is included in the $40 Home Turf fee. One sample generally covers lawn areas up to 15,000 square feet in area.

    Order one additional soil sample (additional $15) for lawn areas over 15,000 square feet or lawn areas under 15,000 square feet with noticeably different turf.

    Order two additional soil samples (each at $15) for acreage. Order one kit for each additional 15,000 square feet. Maximum is 2 additional samples above the included sample.

    How many soil sample kits do you need?*1 (included in $40 fee)2 (+$15 additional)3 (+$30 additional)

    The base fee of $40 covers the cost of one soil test, the development of a customized Nutrient Management Plan, and a finalized property sketch completed by the Home Turf Team. Most yards require only one soil test for analysis at VA Tech. Additional soil tests cost $15 each. You will receive additional reference materials (mailed or delivered) including the printed version of the Fairfax County VCE Home Turf booklet. You will have at least two consultations with an assigned Home Turf Team: the first to discuss the lawn, and a follow-on discussion to explain the Nutrient Management Plan (lime and fertilizer application).

    Home Turf requires the master gardeners to visit my yard, take soil samples, measure the yard area, and take photographs to confirm the weed and yard conditions. Photographs are for the team’s use in preparing the Nutrient Management Plan and final plot diagram. The master gardeners will take and mail the soil sample to VA Tech. I understand that the master gardeners will do all work needed to prepare a Nutrient Management Plan for my property.

    Enter your name below to accept these terms*

    Please assist us by completing the following OPTIONAL/VOLUNTARY information
    EthnicityHispanic or LatinoNon-Hispanic or LatinoUnidentified
    RaceAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeNative Hawaiian Pacific IslanderAsianWhiteAfrican American/BlackTwo or more racesUnidentified
    AgeUnder 1818 and Older


    Your application will be accepted only after payment is made. You can submit your payment using your credit card, Venmo, or your Paypal account.

    Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.